InStadium Technologies

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Why should your company outsource business-to-business sales?

Sales Development Representative (SDRs) are responsible for sourcing up to 45% of a company’s revenues. That’s the fact. Now you have two options: hire and manage SDRs in-house or outsource a sales team.

Let’s look at the time involved in hiring and training a SDR.

  • A company with an in-house sales team hires 5 SDRs on average every year

  • To hire those 5 SDRs they interview around 65 candidates

  • On average they spend 18 hours on hiring activities per candidate (including searching for candidates, interviewing them, and hiring them)

That’s a total of 1,170 hours spent hiring sales reps. Why waste your time finding and interviewing candidates that may not have the right skills, company culture, and passion for the job?

Outsourcing Sales Saves Money

The average tenure of a sales rep is 15 months, and according to a report by DePaul University replacing a sales rep costs organizations $97,690 on average.

Now, hiring a sales team in-house may cost your company more than $425k per year with salaries and benefits, while working with a managed service company that provides a high-quality sales team, can cost you only $60k per year.

On top of all this, sales teams need tech tools to interact with clients and maximize revenue. When you outsource this work, you won’t need to invest in licensing and implementing these tools, as they're part of the deal.

What would you do with all that extra dough you save? Huh?

Outsourcing Sales Delivers Results

Outsourcing sales is 43% more efficient than generating leads in-house because managed service companies have more expertise. In other words, just over 5 months of working with an outside managed service for B2B sales can bring you the same results as 12 months of in-house sales work.

Outsourcing Sales Reaches People Through Multiple Channels

Let’s be honest. There’s so much we can do with an in-house team, especially if they’re overstretched in their functions. Can they manage selling on social networks, whilst making calls and be available to respond queries 24/7? Probably not.

One big reason to outsource your B2B sales is having a dedicated sales team available to reach customers around the clock through multiple channels: phone, email, live chat, social networks and whatever is required.

Multiple channels do not only involve a varied means of communication: it also means crisscrossing and cross pollinating brands in the market, and on a given vertical. Dedicated, market-specific B2B salesmen are in touch with the pulse of the customer organizations they operate with and talk to, the changes inside those corporations, and keep a mental and digital map of the who’s who in all of them, by reaching out frequently to pitch complementary products.

If your in-house team can take on all the above, great. However, most fast growing tech companies have many fronts to cover, which leads me to the last reason to outsource sales.

Outsourcing sales in Latin America hops over the language barriers

English is a cool language: it’s definitely the language of trade shows, contracts and some teleconferences. But if you want to really establish a connection with your potential customers in Latin America, you will need to speak the just one neutral version of Castellano, or the many that exist from Mexico to Argentina. The same is true for Portuguese in Brazil. Language can become a bridge to business, or a barrier. 

We prefer to tend bridges.   

Outsourcing Sales Compensates for Your Weaknesses

It would be great if we all had unlimited resources, knowledge and strengths. More likely, you need support in some key areas.

For instance, you may lack expertise and experience in some sales functions, such as lead generation, or lead nurturing. Or you may be introducing a new product that calls for sales skills you haven’t tried so far. Or perhaps, you're entering a new market segment or a new country, and you must adapt to a new environment fast.

What would you do? Take the long way of trial and error until you make it or fail? 

Or outsource your sales so you can start profiting right away?

The latter, right?

In Addition -  Outsourcing Sales Fosters Greater Performance   

Basketball players practice non-stop. Their head is always in the game. On the night of the game, they don’t need to worry about the set up of the stadium or the sales of the game tickets. Other  businesses can do that work for them, and in doing so this promotes greater performance from the players as they can dedicate their time to practicing and improving their skills.

Similarly, an outsourced sales team can bring a whole new perspective to the table. They can help motivate your staff now that they have the complete time to work on improving your technology or software. Performance across the board will improve. 

Your employees are also likely to pick up some expert tips from the outsourced sales team making your company’s sales process more efficient in the long run.

So What Now?

Now, it’s possible that you've never outsourced B2B sales services or you've never heard anyone do that. However, if you've read this far, I’m sure you’re ready to consider it as an alternative.

Complementary Technologies helps B2B technology companies drive revenue faster with low-risk sales development services delivered by online and SaaS video tech-sales experts in market, in Latin America.
